If you believe you are in an advice desert then you can register with our portal. Registration is free, and there are no limits on the number of accounts per organisation.
You can either have one central account or each staff member can create an account for themselves.
The advice portal has advice on:
Welfare Benefits
- Appealing Disability Benefits: Universal Credit (UC), Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), Disability Living Allowance (DLA), and Personal Independence Payments
- Tribunals and Representation
- Possessions
- Homelessness
- Race Discrimination
Domestic Abuse
- Non Molestation Orders
- Occupation Orders
- Section 8 Child Arrangement Orders
You can book an appointment for the issues mentioned in "What does the portal provide advice on?" above.
Before making an appointment we will expect you to have checked that it is an issue that fits the criteria above. Regular inappropriate appointments being booked may mean you will be blocked either temporarily or permanently from the platform.
The calendar will have pre arranged slots for different areas of advice. Find a free one for the area of advice you need and choose it.
You then need to fill in the required information that is sent to us. We will then arrange the appointment with yourself or service user.
You can either make an appointment for yourself to speak to one of our team, or the service user themselves to speak to us. Make sure you select the right option when booking the appointment.
If you are booking for a service user, please book an appointment at least three days in the future to make sure we can do our verification and checks with them.